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Please check out these terrific web sites.
Girls Are Pretty Instructions for each day.
The Minor Fall, The Major Lift Excellent blog, covering culture and more. www.
Story House Coffee Seller of premium and interesting coffees, with flash fiction on each label.
About Last Night Blog of Terry Teachout, drama and music critic, covering the arts in New York City but of general interest to non-New Yorkers as well.
Maud Newton Blog with a literary bent, by a New York-based writer and editor. Interesting and quick-witted.
Lamination Colony New literary website, debuting on September 14 and now accepting submissions.
Exploding Dog Charming, disarming, slightly eerie, quite unforgettable drawings.
Not Martha Hip and charming crafts projects, perfect for giving as thoughtful gifts.
Daily Candy One cool new thing daily. Pleasantly random.
Pendulum Poems A new poetry website, run by Inkburns contributor DC Gwinup.
Akalina Farm The online presence of a terrific coffee farm, offering delicious, low-acid arabica beans, grown in Hawaii without pesticides. The farm is also home to Inkburns contributor Carol Peters.
20 Things. 20 People. 20 Days. An opportunity to create art and distribute it to distant people, receiving a mixed collection in return. Wonderfully interesting.
Amanda's Writing Studio An accomplished freelance writer whose work is frequently featured in Writer's Digest and elsewhere. An experiment in developing new voices for public radio. Offers intriguing material, interesting people, stuff you won't find elsewhere ... yet.
The Blue Moon Review Excellent fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and hypermedia. For April, the site featured "Wash, Rinse, Repeat," a collection of previously-published poetry. Visit and enjoy. www.thebluemoon.coml
Release a book into the world and track its progress as various people find, read, and re-release it. It's a virtual book exchange. "Books just wanna be free."
Ze's Page This site was the major non-literary inspiration for Inkburns. It is a difficult site to describe. "How to Dance" has received a lot of attention. Also, "The On-Line, Pre-Date Confidence Builder."
Pixel Stupor The online home of David V. Matthews, Pittsburgh-area artist and Inkburns contributor. Not to be missed: "Dave's Love Life," a collection of magazine articles and other items detailing his innovative, on-going quest for a date ... a sort of multi-media performance art piece.
The Institute of Official Cheer A terrific collection of oddities and kitsch.
Surviving Ophelia Cheryl Dellasega is seeking stories about relational aggression between girls of middle and high school age for her new book, When Girls Hurt Girls: What to Do When Words Become a Weapon.
Frantic Woman The site for unfrazzling. Aimed at frantic women who have a lot going on and don't want to lose any of it, but the tips and ideas are less gender-specific than the site name implies.
NaNoWriMo National Novel Writing Month — the chance to let loose and write a really terrible novel in 30 days. Or you can write a good novel if you prefer. Runs during November every year. "NaNoWriMo is all about the magical power of deadlines." Sign up for next year.
This Page Intentionally Left Blank The "This Page Intentionally Left Blank"-Project (TPILB-Project) encourages blank pages in Web sites, in memorial to blank pages in the backs of printed books and "to offer internet wanderers a place of quietness and simplicity on the overcrowded World Wide Web." Inkburns is proud to be part. "Litter for the ill and literate." A clever, engaging, provocative site that we envy, although we try every day not to show it. Be sure to check out the story by Zadie Smith about American writers and their hair.
Grae Yohe, Writer Personal site of an up-and-coming writer and contributor to Inkburns. Irreverent, funny, and diverse. Winner of the Writer's Digest Best Writer's Web Site award for 2001.
Guiding Writers to New Heights Tips for new writers; excellent critiquing workshops and lectures.
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